Milk In Arabic
Milk In Arabic

How To Say Milk In Arabic Language (Almond, Skim And Many More)


In this post, you can learn how to say milk in Arabic language which falls into the “food-and-drink” category. You can also learn other Arabic words for milk and how to write them. Audio file will be provided to know how to say Milk in the Arabic language.

How To Say Milk In Arabic?

The Arabic word for milk is pronounced Haliib and written as ﺣَﻠِﻴﺐ. Another Arabic word that means milk is لَبَن and its pronunciation is laban. According to Alma’ny dictionary, حَلُوب, دَرّ, لَبَنِيّ, لَبُون, and لَبِنَة all means milk in Arabic.

The verb form of milk in the Arabic language (to milk) can be إحْتَلَب, اِسْتَحْلَب, or حَلَب.

Other Milk Vocabulary In Arabic

Milk Cow In Arabic

The Arabic word for milk cow is pronounced baqaratun haluub or haluubah and written as بَقَرَةٌ حَلُوبٌ أو حَلُوبَة.


Milk Powder In Arabic

The Arabic word for milk powder is pronounced haliibun mujaffif and written as حَلِيبٌ مُجَفّف.

Milk Products In Arabic

The Arabic word for milk products is pronounced albaan and written as ألْبَان.

Milk Sugar In Arabic

The Arabic word for milk products is pronounced sukkarul laban and written as سُكّرُ اللّبَن.

Whole Milk In Arabic

The Arabic word for whole milk is pronounced haliibun kamilud dasam and written as حَلِيبٌ كامِلُ الدّسَم.

Powdered Milk In Arabic

The Arabic word for powdered is pronounced haliibun mujaffif and written as حَلِيبٌ مُجَفّف.


Milk Teeth In Arabic

The Arabic phrase for milk tooth is pronounced al’asnaanur rawadi’ (it singular: raadi’a) and written الأسْنانُ الرّوَاضِع (مفردها راضِعَة) or rawadi’ (رَوَاضِع).

Milk Tooth In Arabic

The Arabic word for milk tooth is sinnul haliib or sinnul laban and written as سِنّ الحَلِيب ; سِنّ اللّبَن.

Curdled Milk

The Arabic word for curdled milk is rawb and written as رَوْب.

Skim Milk In Arabic

The Arabic word for skim milk is الحليب المَقْشود or لَبَنٌ مَقْشود, or حليب خالي الدسم.

Almond Milk In Arabic

The Arabic word for almond milk is written as حليب اللوز.

Check out 4 Seasons In Arabic

Using The Arabic Milk Word In Arabic

  • The cat drinks milk …. ﻳَﺸﺮَﺏُ ﺍَﻟﻘِﻂُّ ﺍَﻟﺤَﻠِﻴﺐَ
  • She buys the milk …. ﺗَﺸﺘَﺮِﻱُ ﺍَﻟﺤَﻠِﻴﺐَ
  • She sells the milk …. ﺗَﺒِﻴﻊُ ﺍَﻟﺤَﻠِﻴﺐَ
  • She drank coconut milk .. شربَت حليب جوز الهند
  • A bottle of milk … زجاجة لبن
  • Bottles of milk زجاجات لبن

Milk Vocabulary In Arabic

ArabicEnglish Meaning
حَلاّب; حالِب; لَبّانmilkman
إسْتِحْلاب; حَلْب; حَلْبَةmilking
حَلُوب; حَلاّب; حالِب; لَبُون; لَبِنَةmilker
مخفوق الحليبMilk shake
حلاب, بائع الحليبMilkman
الصقلا بMilkweed
أسْطَراغالُسْmilk vetch
حَلُوبَة; لَبُونَة; حَلُوب; لَبُون; لَبِنَةgiving milk
مَضَضsour milk


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